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Malic acid - Яблочная кислота

Malic acid - Яблочная кислота is a component of many of the foods that we eat daily. Although it is found as a naturally occurring organic compound in various fruits, many choose to take malic acid supplements to increase their overall health, as well as treat various maladies. Today, the acid is most commonly used as a food additive and preservative. It is a mild and relatively harmless acid when used in appropriate amounts. As a food supplement, it is generally considered beneficial for health and is present in large amounts in apple juices. As when taking any supplement, however, you should not exceed the recommended amounts for consumption.

Benefits of Malic Acid

Pain Reduction

One of its most commonly touted benefits is its ability to help reduce pain. For this reason, it is frequently used by those who suffer from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue system. Those who take it for this reason have reported reduced muscle soreness and pain. Although it takes several days of consistent consumption for the supplement to take full effect, it can start to reduce pain as quickly as 48 hours after your first supplement.

Energy Boost

In addition to providing reduced pain, it is also said to provide increased energy. This is another side effect enjoyed by sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Those who have it as a supplement to their diet, especially those who suffer from these conditions, have experienced a significant reduction in fatigue, giving them a much-needed boost of energy.

Skin Care Benefits

Not only is this acid used in the form of a food supplement, it is also a common additive to skin care products. Malic acid has long been used in skin products for its exfoliating properties. Furthermore, it is able to penetrate the skin more deeply, due to its chemical composition. As a result, products that employ this great supplement can greatly help in improving skin smoothness, pigmentation and complexion. Its superior ability to penetrate the skin makes it an ideal moisturizer for people who have very sensitive skin that does not benefit form typical moisturizers.

In the majority of products it is used in, it functions largely as a pH adjuster. By raising the pH of the skin, this acid helps to facilitate healthy exfoliating, thereby improving the overall health and appearance of the area that you are targeting.

Side Effects

Although generally regarded as a very safe and effective supplement, there can be some minor side effects. The most common of these, while uncomfortable, are only experienced by a small number of those who use the supplement. The side effects most frequently experienced include muscle pain, nausea, redness, constipation, swollen skin, chest pain and itching. While annoying, these typically dissipate after a couple days.

While most of the side effects are relatively minor, there are also some more serious side effects, which are very rare. These serious side effects are often more serious forms of their minor counterparts, such as extreme chest tightness. This also includes dangerous events such as allergic reaction, which can lead to difficulty breathing or a completely closed throat. If you experience any of these, seek medical help immediately.

Foods Containing Malic Acid

The food that is most well-known for its high malic acid content is the apple. Other fruits with a very high concentration of the acid are nectarines, cherries, lychees, bananas, mangoes, peaches, tomatoes and strawberries. It can be found, however, in nearly all fruits.

Malic acid is also used as a flavor enhancer for many drinks and candies. It is especially common in diet sodas and other artificially sweetened drinks. This is also true of artificially sweetened candies, such as gum and other gummy candies. Because of its highly versatile nature, especially in masking unnatural flavors, it has become an important part of nearly any food product that contains alternative sweeteners.

One of the greatest things about malic acid as both a food supplement and a skincare agent is the fact that it is a completely natural, organic compound. Rather than relying on man-made products to improve the health of your body and skin, it provides a natural alternative for a variety of purposes. Whether you are treating your chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia or just some dry skin, this acid is a safe and readily available solution. Because of its powerful pain relieving and healing properties, it has become a very popular, and viable solution for many people in the treatment of their various maladies. This has only been amplified by its overall safety.

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